The statutory national closing date for PRIMARY SCHOOL applications isĀ 15th January 2025. Applications can be made online via

Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children

Happy | Safe | Achieving

School Uniform and PE Kit

All children are expected to wear a school uniform as follows:


White shirt or polo shirt

Grey trousers (winter) / shorts (summer) 

Grey skirt (summer or winter), tailored culottes (winter)

Red / White checked dresses in the summer

Red cardigan/ jumper 

Suitable footwear


PE Kit:

White t-shirt

Red shorts

Black tracksuit

Plimsolls or trainers



All uniform can be purchased in local superstores e.g. Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Aldi. 


Branded items can be bought using the above link. 


If you have spare uniform to donate, Laindon Baptist Church have a drop box outside.


Laindon School Uniform Bank, Manor Mission, SS15 6PA stock FREE second hand uniform - open every Saturday 10am - 12.00pm (email:

