The statutory national closing date for PRIMARY SCHOOL applications isĀ 15th January 2025. Applications can be made online via

Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children

Happy | Safe | Achieving


 PE Curriculum


At Ghyllgrove we recognise the value of Physical Education (P.E). We fully adhere to the aims of the National Curriculum for physical education to ensure that all children:

  • Have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, well being and the importance of exercise and physically active.

  • Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities

  • Are able to secure and build on a range of key skills such as hand-eye co-ordination

  • Are physically active for sustained periods of time

  • Encouraged to participate in after school clubs

  • Develop good sporting attitudes

PE at Ghyllgrove


In EYFS and KS1 - When engaging in PE, we aim to develop the following:


  • To create a love of exercise.

  • To promote an active lifestyle.

  • To provide children with the opportunity to compete in a range of different sports.

  • To ensure children understand the importance of exercise and the effects it has on the body.

  • To participate in at least 1 hour of physical activity a week

  • EYFS to incorporate the outdoor area as part of daily physical development 


In KS2 - When engaging in PE, we aim to develop the following essential characteristics:


  •  The ability to acquire new knowledge and skills exceptionally well and develop an in-depth understanding of PE.

  •  The willingness to practise skills in a wide range of different activities and situations, alone, in small groups and in teams and to apply these skills in chosen activities to achieve exceptionally high levels of performance.

  • High levels of physical fitness.

  • A healthy lifestyle, achieved by eating sensibly, avoiding smoking, drugs and alcohol and exercising regularly.

  • The ability to remain physically active for sustained periods of time and an understanding of the importance of this in promoting long-term health and well-being.

  • The ability to take the initiative and become excellent young leaders, organising and officiating, and evaluating what needs to be done to improve, and motivating and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others.

  • Exceptional levels of originality, imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography, knowledge of how to improve their own and others’ performance and the ability to work independently for extended periods of time without the need of guidance or support.

  • A keen interest in PE. A willingness to participate eagerly in every lesson, highly positive attitudes and the ability to make informed choices about engaging fully in extra-curricular sport.

  • The ability to swim at least 25 metres before the end of Year 6 and knowledge of how to remain safe in and around water.

  • Experience positive competition in and outside of school

P.E is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. At Ghyllgrove, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health, fitness and general well-being. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character, develop team work and negotiation skills as well as help to embed values such as fairness, respect, equality and diversity.

What does PE look like at Ghyllgrove? 


Our PE lessons are planned using the Get Set 4 PE platform, which aligns with our core values, our whole child approach to PE and the objectives laid out in the National Curriculum. Get Set 4 PE is planned so that progression is built into the scheme which ensures our children are increasingly challenged as they move up through the school. The curriculum planning in PE is carried out in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short term).


Both of our large halls serve as a well-equipped gymnasium and each class is timetabled to use it for a variety of activities during the week. When the weather permits, we can also use both the playgrounds and extensive playing fields and our new Multi-Use Games Area for P.E. and games. P.E. is a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum and if your child is unable to take part please send a note to school stating the reason.


The programme for P.E includes gymnastics, game skills, athletics and dance. The children are very fortunate to have a range of specialist coaches (SPEC Training) come into school and teach them alongside their teachers. This allows school staff to develop their skills, as well as learn new strategies and techniques and also ensure quality first teaching is carried out in weekly PE sessions.


We feel it is important for the children to dress appropriately for P.E. lessons with red shorts, white top and plimsolls or trainers. For outdoor games the children should dress appropriately for the weather conditions. This should be a plain black tracksuit. 


Please note no jewellery is permitted during P.E and earrings must be removed or pupils cannot take part due to health and safety. Ear tape is not allowed.

Please note if your child wears a medical bracelet or other item of jewellery that cannot be removed please speak to a member of staff. Also if your child has long hair please can this be tied back appropriately.


We also provide a range of before and after sports clubs led by the SPEC Training team. If you would like more information on this, please contact your class teacher. 
