The statutory national closing date for PRIMARY SCHOOL applications is 15th January 2025. Applications can be made online via

Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children

Happy | Safe | Achieving


Welcome back, we are excited to see you! 

Welcome To Nursery

Nursery Leader: Mrs L. Webb

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Wise and

Mrs Richbell


Nursery Times

AM: 9:05am-11:35am

PM: 12:45pm-3:15pm



Our topic this half term will be 'All About Me', we will be learning all about our emotions, senses, what we look like, our family and the local environment around us.  


Letters and Sounds

In September we start practising our environmental sounds, which is Phase 1 listening skills. We play listening games, use instruments, sing and discover what we can hear in our environment. 

In the summer term we start to learn Read Write Inc.



Over this half term we will be focusing on the story of The Colour Monster but will read lots of other stories that are themed around the topic 'All About Me!'. 



In Nursery we focus on the numbers 0-10, counting and recognising these numbers. 




** PE will be on Thursdays **


Our Daily Routine

9.05-9.20/12.45-1.00- Self registration 

9.20-9.40/ 1.00-1.20- Circle time

This is when we come together and talk about the weather, day/ season and do our adult input, this includes maths and phonics. We also talk about our plan for the day, read a story or sing nursery rhymes  

9.40-11.10/ 1.20-2.50- Adult/ Child led learning in class and garden 

9.45-10.30/ 1.30-2.15- Rolling Snack time 

11.10/ 2.50- Reset the classroom 

11.15-11.25/ 2.55-3.05- Carpet time

11.25-11.35/ 3.05-3.15- Get ready to go home

11.35/ 3.15- Home time


Items to have in School

  • Spare clothes- tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and underwear.
  • Wellies.
  • Book bags, including home school diary.
  • Water bottle- plain water only please.
  • If the children are wearing wellies into school, can you please provide a change of shoes in their book bag.


Please ensure that all clothing is clearly named. 


Thank you smiley



Activities to try at home

  • Looking at books together.
  • Practise counting and number recognition 0-5 and 0-10.
  • Practice recognising the first letters of their name.
  • The children can practise putting on their own coat and shoes and taking them off again.


If you have any problems, worries or just a general question please come and see us, email us at or phone 01268 450067 smiley


Mrs Webb, Mrs Wise and Mrs Richbell


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