Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children
Happy | Safe | Achieving
Welcome to Year 6!
Class 19 - Year 6
Class Teacher: Miss Wakeford
Class Learning Assistant: Mrs Cross
We are very excited to start the Spring term in Year 6 and look forward to all the fantastic work and exciting topics that we will be discovering together. Here is a brief overview of what to expect in Class 21 this term.
In English this term, the children will be reading the novel: ‘Stormbreaker’ by Anthony Horowitz. This will act as a stimulus for their writing lessons throughout the term. This is an exciting book which will capture their imaginations and also has a great film to help visualise the story.
In guided reading and VIPER sessions, the children will be enhancing their vocabulary, improving their expression and intonation whilst continuing to develop their comprehension skills.
In Maths, we will be increasing confidence in the written methods of calculation and exploring percentages, shapes, angles and co-ordinates.
During the afternoons, our topic will be ‘A World Without Wi-fi', where the children will be learning the history of technology, fashion and daily life throughout the decades.
The children will continue to bring home their Home-School Diary in order to log their reading activity at home. This can be reading from their school book, but can also include the reading of their own magazines, comics, recipe books - the ideas are endless!
Our multi-skills lessons are on a Monday and Friday and children should attend school in full PE kit on this day. Please ensure that the PE kit is suitable for all weathers, as we will be outside come rain or shine!
The Home-School Diary needs to be in school every day as it is used to record spellings as well as reading. It is here that you will also find the log-in details for many of the applications we use at school.
There will continue to be a strong emphasis on knowing the times tables by heart. Using Times Tables Rock Stars at home is fun and challenging as well as being designed to increase fluency and confidence. The log-in details for this can be found in the front of the Home-School Diary.
Spellings will be handed out for the children to stick into the diary on a Monday, with a spelling test for these words on the next Friday.
Please remember, if you have ANY concerns during the year then come and see us. We will always be happy to help you if we know about anything that is worrying you. We want to keep everybody at Ghyllgrove safe, happy and achieving.
Miss Wakeford