Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children
Happy | Safe | Achieving
Class Teacher: Mr D Collins and Mrs A Piggott
Learning Assistant: Miss B Tween
Hello and welcome to Class 11,
I am very excited and looking forward to another fun, hardworking and successful term in Class 11. Our class page will include lots of important information about our upcoming learning so please remember to check back regularly for any updates. Keep your eyes peeled for any photos too!
In Class 11, we have very high expectations of exceptional behaviour and attitudes to learning. All children are expected to stay on green by following our school rules, listening carefully and trying their best. However, they should be striving for gold by showing the Ghyllgrove Learning Powers. You should aim to be getting your green certificates to take home every Friday to show how fabulous you have been at school.
We will be focusing on improving and consolidating our skills in calculation. We will continue to improve our understanding of number and our arithmetic strategies. We will continue to practice our times tables with the aim that all pupils will know their multiplication and division facts for all tables x2 x5 x10 x3 x4 x8 by the end of Year 3. Towards the end of this term, we will deepen our understanding of fractions by comparing, ordering fractions; finding a fraction of an amount; and learning about equivalent fractions.
In Year 3, we will be reading “Leonora Bolt’ by Lucy Brandt. Firstly, we will be focusing on ambitious adjectives and prepositions to describe characters and settings. We will be exploring speech and dialogue within narratives as well as using speech punctuation accurately to write a conversation between two characters. In the second term, we will explore action scenes, using powerful verbs and adverbs and write a set of instructions for their very own invention.
In the first half term, our topic is ‘Beneath our Feet’ where the children will learn about fossils, minerals and different types of rocks. They will also learn about volcanoes and earthquakes and how they are formed. After half term, our exciting new topic will be ‘Brilliant Bodies’. In this topic will be working on our science skills and learning about the importance of nutrition, looking at the basic parts of the digestive system and learning about the different types of teeth.
Our PE lessons will take place on Monday and Wednesday. PE kits (white t-shirt, red shorts and trainers) are to be kept in school and will be sent home half-termly to be washed. Please can you include a cold weather P.E. kit (plain joggers and sweatshirt) as a number of PE lessons will take place outside.
With so many exciting things going on in school, there will be lots to talk about on those journeys home. Make sure you’re impressing your parents and telling them all about your learning.
All of the staff in Class 11 will work tireless to ensure everybody does their best this year. We will regularly hear the children read and set them times table challenges too, so look out for these in the Home School Diaries.
In order to help your child achieve and accelerate their progress, we ask for the following commitments from you at home too:
We are incredibly lucky to have access to some fantastic online resources, which will also support their learning too. Your child’s login details are included at the front of their Home School Diary.
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging online programme designed to help pupils master their times tables by playing the different games and answering different questions to improve their Rock speed and status. Children will earn coins for correctly answered questions which they can use to improve and upgrade their Rock Star Avatar. Just go to and use the login information inside your Home School Diary.
Oxford Owl is another excellent resource to help develop your child's spelling skills at home. Just go to and use the login information inside your Home School Diary.
Please remember, if you have ANY concerns during the year then come and see us. We will always help you if we know about anything that is worrying you. We want to keep everybody at Ghyllgrove safe, happy and achieving.
Mr Collins and Mrs Piggott