The statutory national closing date for PRIMARY SCHOOL applications isĀ 15th January 2025. Applications can be made online via

Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children

Happy | Safe | Achieving

Class 4

Mrs Bray and Mrs Pearson

Welcome to Class 4


Class Teacher: Mrs Bray
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pearson

Learning Support Assistants: Miss Witham


Hello and welcome to Class 4,


Welcome back! We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and wish you all a happy new year!.  We are looking forward to an exciting Spring Term in Year 1.


This term in maths we will be focusing on Place value to 20, addition and subtraction to 20.


Your child will have weekly spellings. We ask that you practice them with the children and read with them at home. It is important to read as much as possible and we ask that parents listen to their children read and help develop a love of books. When you listen to your children read, this should be recorded in their Home School Diary and each read will count towards a reading prize! 


In English, we will be continuing to follow the Read Write Inc Scheme. The children will have the opportunity to develop and embed their phonic skills in our writing lessons. Children will have opportunities to read stories and non-fiction texts and carry out different genres of writing.


During the afternoons, our topic for the first half of the Spring Term will be 'Toy Museum'. We will be learning all about old and new toys and what they are made from.


Class 4 will have PE Monday and Wednesday afternoons. It is important that the children have their Ghyllgrove PE kits at school so that they can join in with the sessions.  Our PE kit is a white t-shirt with red shorts and trainers. Children with long hair must have their hair tied back and no jewellery can be worn during P.E. 


Look out for more information on the curriculum that we will be studying over the course of the term in order to support your child as much as possible. Also, look out for any letters sent home and emails regarding events in school.


Finally, we would like to remind all families to label your child’s clothing and equipment.  This includes PE Kit, School Uniform, Coats and lunch boxes.  All items must have your child’s name and class number.  Lastly, may we remind you that we are a healthy school, we do ask the children have only water in the classrooms.


Thank you for your continued support



Mrs Bray


Our Classroom

Handwriting Phrases Read Write Inc

Year one parent workshop information

Online Safety Workshop Information
