The statutory national closing date for PRIMARY SCHOOL applications isĀ 15th January 2025. Applications can be made online via

Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children

Happy | Safe | Achieving

Resource Base for Hearing Impaired Children

Welcome to the Resource Base for Deaf Children (RBDC)

Teacher of Deaf in Charge: Ms Scrocca

Learning Assistants for RBDC: Mrs Delaney, Mrs Alexander, Mrs Barber,

Mrs Waldie and Mrs Lazaro


Welcome back!


This term the children will be learning either in their mainstream classes, in the resource base rooms or both. 


All the children will be taking part in PE with their mainstream classes and PE days are listed on the individual class pages. 


Homework is set weekly and for the children learning mostly in the resource base rooms homework will be set on Fridays and should be brought back by the following Tuesday. For the children learning mostly in their mainstream classes details of homework will be on individual class pages.


The Speech and Language Therapist comes in to school every Thursday and the Sign Language Tutor every Tuesday.  


If you have any questions then please talk to a member of staff from the RBDC.

