Ghyllgrove Community Primary School &Resource Base for Deaf Children
Happy | Safe | Achieving
Welcome to Class 2
Class Teacher: Miss K. McKeon
Teaching Assistant: Mrs T. Murphy
1:1 Teaching Assistants: Miss S. Sayers and Mrs R. Hickey
Gates open at 8:40 and children must be in school by 8:50.
Children will walk through the main pupil entrance and down to their class. Parents will not be permitted past the red line on the playground. Please look for signs and markings that will direct you where to enter and leave the school premises safely.
We wish you all a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to a brand new term with lots of fun learning ahead!
Our topic for Spring 1 is 'People who help us'. Here is what we will be covering this term:
In RWI, we will practise using our Fred Fingers to blend sounds and play lots of Fred Games, which will support the children’s reading and writing skills. In literacy, we will be reading a range of exciting children’s stories and exploring non-fiction books, teaching the children about the layout of books and story sequences, and writing simple sentences about stories and their favourite characters.
In maths, the children will have lots of opportunities to practise counting, subitising and number formation, to develop a deeper understanding of numbers 0-5, and to explore shape, pattern and measurement. We will introduce exciting new concepts, such as addition and subtraction, and learn the number bonds to 5. In Ten Town, we will have lots of fun learning about new numbers up to and beyond 10.
We will learn about the different people in the community that help us, from doctors and paramedics, to teachers and the police - we hope to have some exciting visitors too! The children will have lots of opportunities to creatively explore our new topics through various art projects, roleplay and child-led learning. We will also be learning lots about animals from around the world, exploring their homes and habitats through stories and expressive arts.
Read Write Inc
Sounds we have learnt: m, a, s, d, t, i, n, p, g, o, c, k, u, b, f, e, l, h, r, j, v, y, w, x, z, ch, sh, qu, th
Words we have learnt: the, I
Number of the week this week is: 6
Remember to use your Ten Town login at home to improve your number skills 🔢
Monday 6th January 2025 - Return to school
** PE will be on Fridays **
Our Daily Routine
*Regular hand washing and sanitising, alongside regular cleaning, is in place throughout the day*
8.45 - 8:55: Register and Early morning work
9.00 - 9.15: Input
9.15 - 10.15: Child led learning
10.15 - 10.30: Snack time
10.30 - 11.10: Child led learning
11.10 - 11.50: Read, Write, Inc.
11.50 - 11.55: Handwashing
12.00 - 13.00: Lunch
13.00 - 13.20: Magical Maths
13.20 -13.30: Topic Input
13.30 - 14.45: Child led learning
14.50 - 15.00: Story/Show and tell
15.20: Home time
In the Reception, there are three classes. Each class is set up to ensure that children learn through a play-based curriculum, and all children are encouraged to learn through first-hand experiences and exploration. During play, the children's concepts, understanding, skills, attitudes and achievements are extended.
All children will have access to a small-world area, writing areas, an investigation area, a fine-motor area, a reading area, and role play, as well as access to daily literacy and numeracy activities. The children also have opportunities to access the interactive whiteboard.
Items to have in school
Spare clothes (tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt and underwear)
PE kit- White/red t-shirt, red shorts and black trainers/plimsoles
Water bottle - plain water only, please
**Please ensure all clothing is clearly named. Thank you.**
Homework will be uploaded to Tapestry each Friday. We ask that it is returned the following Tuesday each week.
Activities to try at home
Practise reading and writing CVC words e.g. cat, dog, top, vet, etc.
Practise letter and number formations.
Use coins when buying something.
Find different 2D and 3D shapes around your house and describe them.
Use objects to double and halve up to 20.
Add and subtract to 20.
Count and order numbers to 20 and beyond.
Write simple sentences ensuring your child uses a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Extend a sentence using ‘and’ or ‘because’.
Encourage curiosity when reading, "what do you think will happen next?", "Why is the character feeling like this?"
Make a 'reading den' at home. Use a clothes horse, chairs or a table and drape with a sheet. Fill the space with pillows/cushions and ask the children to find their favourite books.
Please remember, if you have any concerns during the year then come and see us. We will always help you if we know about anything that is worrying you. We want to keep everybody at Ghyllgrove happy, safe and achieving.
If you have any problems, worries or just a general question, please come and see us, email us at or phone 01268 450067.
Many thanks,
The EYFS Team